"The beginning of all learning is a personal experience" – 📜Hans Zeier
26 Jan 2024
Science students dissected pig hearts to understand the inner workings of the mammalian circulatory organs🫀🥼.
The professionally guided workshop, was not only educating about anatomy or biology. In fact, by learning how different organisms work, how the heart works; we can have higher awareness of how the human body works🧠🫁🫀.
As the presenters emphasize, this form of classes may also contribute to rising the awareness of human body (the knowledge can even save someone’s life, for example, by applying proper heart massage or recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack).
Taking part in both theoretical and practical parts allowed the students to do the experiment.
Why is experimentation important in global education?
🌀”Experimentation is so important for science because it allows scientists to have systematic steps to follow to answer questions or statements about the natural world. Also, experimentation gathers important facts and observations to make valid and reliable statements in order to understand the world better.”🌀
Sample of organs prepared to do the experiment by the organizers of the workshop, were obtained with all forms of sanitation and ethics.