Our mission


Our mission is to bring up conscious
and responsible citizens of the world through high-quality education.

We want to prove to our students that they are important heirs of their national traditions and, at the same time, they are able to understand the significance of other cultures. We want to show them that they are an integral part of the global community. Their respect and acceptance towards diversity proves that they are worthy of being loved and respected, too. Their country, their continent and the whole planet should be a friendly, safe and familiar place, where they are surrounded by friends.

Let’s help them to understand that this world belongs to them and that they have the right to improve their environment in order to make it a better place to live in. The capstone of our efforts will come to fruition the moment our students start to create their own reality by themselves, being courageous enough to accept new challenges we don’t even dream about these days.

‘You don’t know what the world will look like in 20 years, but your child will be ready for it’