Open Future High Schools have been celebrating the international mindedness through the Polish-Dutch Student Exchange and the participation in TEDx Nadwiślańska St. within Carbon Footprint Summit 2023 since Monday.
Our Guests from the International School Laren and our students do share the same values through IB Learner Profile & by following the same IB Programs.
Both schools are determined to have a similar understanding of the international mindedness;
– the platform to understand one another through a human to human touch;
– It can be expressed as the awareness that the world is much bigger than the community in which we live;
– Respect and understanding for other cultures, languages, perspectives and experiences;
– The ability to see each other as a responsible members of both the community & global citizens.
Our school at the TEDx Nadwiślańska St. @Carbon Footprint Summit 2023, was represented by three high schoolers: Gabryela, Hanna & Vitaliy, as well as by MYP Phase 2 students: Alice & Leszek.
Their first TEDx talks on the dot were rising the important topics for the youth:
– clean energy
– SDGs, especially the quality education
– Climate protection
– the butterfly effect in the lives of youth
– IB Students as the peace builders
– Sustainability in our daily lives.
These life worthy experiences:
the Polish-Dutch Students’ exchange and the participation in the Carbon Footprint Summit 2023 under the guidance of Mrs Anna Przybylo, coollaborating teachers, students & last but not least, thanks to our Host Families, have reminded to the Polish-Dutch Partners the words of Winston Churchill:
“You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.”
With the gratitude, here are a few glimpses from our Polish-Dutch #quality#TIME while in Krakow.
An opening eye study visit at @42Warsaw – world-top IT coding Academy, has shown our high school students that an innovative approach to #IT learning has become the fact in Poland.