Szanowni Państwo,
Gorąco dziękujemy za gościnność, za niezwykle przyjęcie naszych gości w domach.
Za ogrom wyrozumiałości.
Niezwykly wymiar prawdziwej wymiany, mozliwość zobaczenia jak działają rodziny, niosą wiele stresu ale również jedyną okazję, aby międzykulturowość się działa.
Zapraszam Państwa na refleksję nad wymianą, podzielenie się doświadczeniami oraz wstępne omówienie naszych działań wyjazdowych w najbliższy wtorek, online.
Jeszcze raz gorąco dziękuję !!!
~ Anna Przybyło, Koordynator polsko-holenderskiej wymiany młodzieży
Some reflections from our students:
„I really liked the exchange, I think that our guests had fun as well. We had the opportunity to show our city and culture to foreigners. I can’t wait to go the Netherlands to experience the same thing that they did. I also made some good friends. Overall I really enjoyed the exchange.” ~ Alicja
„I really enjoyed the exchange and hosting my friends from Netherlands. I had an amazing time with students from my class as well with students from the Netherlands, and spending time with them was really nice. Through the week I got closer to my friends and made new friendships. I’m very happy that I took a part in the exchange and can’t wait till our visit in the Netherlands.” ~ Zosia
„The last few days were really interesting and nice. Getting to know all these people was a bit overwhelming but they are really open and energetic, so it was easy to integrate. Overall I had a great time with them and can’t wait to go to the Netherlands.” ~ Zuza
„This week was very interesting and active. Everyday was full of attractions and things to do and show. I am so happy that i participated in this exchange because i got to know some amazing people. I had so much fun hanging out with the people from Netherlands and i can’t wait for our visit there.” ~ Maja
“This was one of the most MAJESTIC weeks in my life even though Ben didn’t live in my house. We had a great time together, especially on Tuesday and today

” ~ Maksym